Tuesday, January 11, 2011

boy gets beating because of facebook

little boy decides that he wants to be an online gangster, his uncle does not approve. If you have a problem with the azz whipping he got, let me be the first to tell you that it's better than what some real gang bangers would've given the kid.


The Deuce said...

Crowning Moment Of Awesome for the uncle there!

chic noir said...

*chic noir holds up glass of wine*

Here here the deuce, I agree.

Anonymous said...

That uncle cares for his nephew.

Note the ass whooping was furious but not abusive and while there was also some mild shaming there it was because of family pride. I know that kid might not think so now, but I think in the future he will be thanking his uncle. Children need caring men and women in their lives. It's a shame that all many kids have is a harried overworked or drug dependent mother.


chic noir said...

*chic noir hears someone saying her name*
*chic noir turns around and sees clarence*
*chic noir runs into his arms*

where have you been Clarence, I've missed your presence :)

Children need caring men and women in their lives.

Yes sir, this is the truth. without them, they grow up to have all types of issues.

It's a shame that all many kids have is a harried overworked or drug dependent mother.

Yes, and I wonder where this little boys parents are? Cause it looks like his uncle is his "parent".

I know that kid might not think so now, but I think in the future he will be thanking his uncle

cosign, I shocked this uncle hasn't been made of a fool of in the national media via dr. phil.