Monday, March 1, 2010

How PUAs/ Hateful Woman are made and other stuff.

look right here.

for those of you who are into online dating...

Girl who you trying to fool, I see you at the bar every Friday.

but .....what would Rois say

Lady, your grandma didn't have to do those types of things to keep your grandpa happy, so why should you?

Better late than never.

See why I always Italicise the word friends

one day it will all come tumbling out.

A very smart lady. Lady Raine, Desi, Maria,Denise,mandy xd what do you think?


Default User said...

Another fun post. Thanks chic.

SDaedalus said...

Hi Chic

We meet again.

How's things for you?


SDaedalus said...

PS I think you've been neglecting Default User shamefully

Chic Noir said...

@default- i'm happy you liked it default.

@Sdaedalus- hey there buddy, what's up? Default hurts my feelings whenever I visit his blog. He is the world's biggest flirt.

SDaedalus said...

He is the world's biggest flirt

And I thought he just had eyes for me...

Chic Noir said...

And I thought he just had eyes for me...

*chic noir's eyes grow as large as saucers*

SDaedalus, are you a man or woman?
I guess my default is living it up in 2010.

SDaedalus said...

are you a man or a woman

What is it with you Roissysphere bloggers?

I would have thought you would be more attuned to matters of gender.

Surely the oestrogen leaking from my posts must have been palpable?

Or maybe I don't use enough emoters?

As I mentioned to Default, when he made the same mistake, this never happens to me in real life *SDaedalus grins wickedly*

PS: I have now feminized my blog to avoid any confusion, complete with pretty pictures of bunny wabbits. Come on over and pay me a visit at

PPS: Any chance of a photo of me as a chicklette? I'd love to see it. Clue: long silky pigtails.

PPPS: Were you e-flirting with me earlier? What's the female equivalent of a bromance?

Chic Noir said...

lolrof sdaedalus.

Were you e-flirting with me earlier?
Yes but don't tell default.

What's the female equivalent of a bromance?
Two girls and a cup

have now feminized my blog to avoid any confusion, complete with pretty pictures of bunny wabbits
Yipee lets keep this hidden from Dana.

Surely the oestrogen leaking from my posts must have been palpable?
nope none at all.

Or maybe I don't use enough emoters?
Oh you know how much chic noir loves emoters :)

Racer X said...

Chic, you are always lovely and sensual and I enjoy that in a woman. I need to write something about you on my blog soon again, but time has been short over the past few months. But I will write you again.

This was a funny post! I enjoyed reading it.

Chic Noir said...

Hey Racerx, I've been missing you, ya rascal :)